Session 1: “Jesus Our Eternal, Divine Servant”

For transcript of “Jesus, Our Eternal, Divine Servant,” click here.

Enjoy this teaching from John 13 which expounds on the Last Supper, Jesus washing His disciples’ feet, and what this means for us: we’re washed once with His blood, but we still need a daily foot washing with the “water of the Word.” 

Session 2: “Jesus, Our Tenderhearted Good Shepherd”

For transcript of “Jesus, Our Tenderhearted Good Shepherd,” click here.

From the parable of the Good Shepherd in John 10, let your heart be touched with this message about Jesus who has tender compassion for all who are weary, distressed, scattered, and sick. He calls us by name, provides us with everything we need for life, and protects us from the thieves, robbers, strangers, and wolves. He came to bring us life and life more abundantly!

Session 3: “Jesus, Our Completeness”

For transcript of “Jesus, Our Completeness,” click here.

We all need the touch of Jesus every day in our bodies and in our minds and in our emotions. When Jesus touched Peter’s mother-in-law’s hand, she was made whole in her body because “He Himself took our infirmities and carried away our diseases.” Jesus was touched with our weaknesses and sicknesses so that we could be touched with His heavenly fullness. Jesus is our Completeness.

Session 4: “Jesus, Our Healer”

For transcript of “Jesus, Our Healer,” click here.

Experience the healing power of God by beholding Jesus as Jehovah Rapha, the Lord Our Healer. All of the accounts of Jesus healing people are included in this beautiful message focused on the One who is able and willing to heal every disease, sickness, and pain.

Session 5: “Jesus, Our Endless Supply”

For transcript of “Jesus, Our Endless Supply,” click here.

From the miracle feeding of the 5000, we see a picture of the cross. Just as the bread was broken to give an unlimited supply of food to the multitudes, the body of Jesus was broken to give us an endless supply of life.

Session 6: “Jesus, Our Relentless Savior”

For transcript of “Jesus, Our Relentless Savior,” click here.

Our relentless Savior goes to the mountains to find the one lost sheep. He crosses the stormy sea to deliver one man from bondage. He silences the voices of shame, and defends the rejected one. He sold everything He had – traded His own life for the one pearl of great price. He goes after the least, the last, the lost, and the losers. He invites the poor, the maimed, the lame, and the blind. He goes to the highways and the byways to invite those who could never repay Him. What a relentless Savior we have!!

Session 7: “Jesus, Our Peace Offering, Part 1”

For transcript of “Jesus, Our Peace Offering, Part 1,” click here.

Jesus bequeathed us with an inheritance of peace. He called it “My peace.” What is HIS peace? It’s the unbreakable love-union we have with God. We gave eternal reconciliation with God through the blood of Jesus, and from that basis we receive all of the benefits of the cross. The depiction of Jesus in the Peace Offering of the Old Testament is used to illustrate this truth.

Session 8: “Jesus, Our Peace Offering, Part 2”

For transcript of “Jesus, Our Peace Offering, Part 2,” click here.

The Peace Offering of the Old Testament sacrifices gives us the secret to living a grace-filled life and receiving all the benefits of the finished work of Jesus. The central theme of the second part of “Jesus, Our Peace Offering” is feeding on the love of Jesus for us and receiving His power in every circumstance. Our peace offering to God is our celebration of the reconciliation we have with God through Jesus and our thanksgiving for all of His blessings in our lives.

Session 9: “Jesus, Our Access to the Riches of God’s Grace”

For transcript of “Jesus, Our Access to the Riches of God’s Grace,” click here.

Romans 5, verse 1 and 2 tell us that because we have been made right through faith in Jesus, we have peace – eternal reconciliation – with God, and because of that union, we now have access by faith into the riches of God’s grace. We are standing on grace ground! In this message, hidden secrets in the Old Testament shadows of Jesus reveal the blessed resurrection life that we have in Him.

Session 10: “Jesus, Our Eye Opener”

For transcript of “Jesus, Our Eye Opener,” click here.

In John 20, Jesus revealed Himself in different ways to individual disciples. Jesus meets us where we are because He wants us to believe in and receive God’s goodness, mercy, and love. “Ears to hear and eyes to see—both are gifts from the Lord.” (Proverbs 20:12, NLT)

Session 11: “Jesus, Our Personal Restorer”

For transcript of “Jesus, Our Personal Restorer,” click here.

Jesus is our Personal Restorer. A beautiful example of personal restoration is the story of Peter. Long before Peter failed, Jesus has prophesied his victory, and just like Peter, our destiny is secure in Jesus!

Session 12: “Jesus, Our Much More Restorer”

For transcript of “Jesus, Our MUCH MORE Restorer,” click here.

When Jesus restores, He restores MUCH MORE than before! In the account of Peter’s restoration after his profoundly regretful denial of Jesus, we see the heart of our deeply personal God in Jesus’s rebuilding of Peter’s life on the foundation of His unconditional love.

Session 13: “Jesus, Our YES!”

For transcript of Session 13: “Jesus, Our YES!”, click here.

No matter how many promises God has made, they are YES in Christ! All of God’s promises for deliverance, healing, provision, restoration, peace, and abundant life are made accessible through Jesus. He is our access to God’s grace. “Access” means you have permission. “Access” means God has said “Yes” in Jesus. Jesus is our YES from God. Jesus said, “If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.” (John 12:14)

Session 14: “Jesus, Our Restful Fruitfulness, Part 1”

For transcript of Session 14: “Jesus, Our Restful Fruitfulness, Part 1!”, click here.

Jesus is our restful fruitfulness. We abide in Him and His words abide in us, and fruit is born effortlessly. Abiding is simply looking unto Jesus, setting our minds on Him and things above, being conscious of His love and our union with Him. Abiding in His love always takes us back to the cross. He loves us just as dearly today as He did then because He never changes!

Session 15: “Jesus, Our Restful Fruitfulness, Part 2”

For transcript of Session 15: “Jesus, Our Restful Fruitfulness, Part 2”, click here.

Whatever the need, the seed is the Gospel of the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. And when our hearts are full of the love of Jesus for us, our hearts become fertile ground for God to cause that seed grow, increase, and multiply producing a harvest of good fruit! Do you need a financial breakthrough? Saturate your heart with “The Son of God loves me and gave Himself for me.” Do you need healing? Saturate your heart with “The Son of God loves me and gave Himself for me.” Is your child wandering? Saturate your heart with “The Son of God loves me and gave Himself for me.” Are you feeling spiritually dry? Saturate your heart with“The Son of God loves me and gave Himself for me.” And then rest in the finished work of Jesus.

Session 16: “Jesus, Our Fruitful Vine”

For transcript of Session 16: “Jesus, Our Fruitful Vine,” click here.

Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, Session 16, “Jesus, Our Fruitful Vine” from Parresia on Vimeo.

Jesus, our Fruitful Vine, demonstrated for us – who are His branches – His love and care for the lost and hopeless and the rejected, and how to share the gospel of His grace with the most unlikely of souls, ONE person at a time. There is no better illustration of Jesus’s ministry to the ONE, than the story of the woman at the well in John 4. Jesus gently removed her mask to show her that He knew everything about her and loved her anyway. She ran to the town to encourage everyone to come to Jesus: “Come and see a man who told me everything I ever did! Could he possibly be the Messiah?”

Watch it on Vimeo or listen on SoundCloud!

Session 17: “Jesus, Our Righteousness”

For transcript of Session 17: “Jesus, Our Righteousness,” click here.

Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, session 17, “Jesus, Our Righteousness” from Parresia on Vimeo.

Does it seem too good to be true that we can be in right standing with God every minute of every day? That’s the gospel of Christ! He became sin that we might become righteous in Him. We are forgiven forever for all of our sins – past, present, and future – according to the riches of His grace!

Watch it on Vimeo or listen on SoundCloud!

Session 18: “Jesus, Our Rest”

For transcript of Session 18: “Jesus, Our Rest,” click here.

Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, Session 18, “Jesus, Our Rest” from Parresia on Vimeo.

Jesus said, ”Do not worry about your life…” This may be the most difficult instruction Jesus ever gave, but with His empowering presence within, we can rest and know that He is God, and He will take care of us.

Watch it on Vimeo or listen on SoundCloud!


Parresia Ministries

Parresia Ministries

Parresia [pär-rā-sē'-ä]: a Greek word that means "boldness." Boldness before God to receive... Boldness before men to share... His scandalous grace with others! To read more about Parresia and the founder, Tricia Gunn, click here.