Step into your destiny.

Spend time in the room of grace…

and be healed…

and then give away what you’ve been given. 

Bask in His love.

Simmer in His grace.

Stew in His acceptance.

Frolic in His forgiveness.

Soak in His goodness..

’til you get all pruney.


until your soul…

finds rest…

and you will become a sweet smelling savor…

to everyone you meet.

They will know you have been with Him…

by the fragrance of grace…

that you carry.

Everything you touch…

will turn to love…

the same way that you have.

Click here to order Ty Cobb’s wonderful book, Echoes of Grace, with all of his writings!

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Ty Cobb

Ty Cobb

Gifted author, Ty Cobb of Amarillo, Texas, had a grace encounter in 2009 while reading a Joseph Prince book in the mountains of Colorado. Since then his passion was to share the hilarious almost-too-good-to-be-true news of the gospel of grace with everyone he met. Though he has worn many titles in his life, his favorites were husband to Charla, father to Nikki, and Son of God.

Ty's writings are CAPTIVATING, and uniquely express the truths of amazing grace!