Full-Length Messages

Revival, 5-Part Series
Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, 20-Part Series
Let’s Keep The Amazing In Grace, 10-Part Series
Promises of God, 6-Part Series
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus: Single Message

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus

Enjoy this bold and impassioned message about the finished work of Jesus and the blessed assurance we can have that our sins have been washed away and
Grace Abounded Much More: Single Message
I AM Free, 8-Part Series

I AM Free – Intro

This teaching is the introduction to the “I AM Free Because of Jesus” Bible study series. I am Free is for all believers who desire to walk in the freedom given to us thro

I AM Complete – Session 1

Out of God’s heart of love for you, He not only has forgiven you of all your sins, if you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you have been washed clean from all your sins, pa

I AM Loved – Session 2

We’ve all heard the verse, “God is love.” That’s His identity! If His identity is love, then our identity is His beloved. When Jesus looks at us, He says, “You are all fai

I AM Forgiven – Session 3

The Bible says we have been forgiven according to the immeasurable riches of God’s grace. All of our sins past, present, and future were paid for at the cross and we have

I AM Cleansed – Session 4

In this discussion we talk about what is means to be cleansed by the blood of Jesus and how that should give us a perfect conscience before God that is free of guilt and s

I AM Holy – Session 5

You might find it hard to say you are holy, but you aren’t holy because you have behaved perfectly. You are holy because Jesus has became your holiness. When we behold Jes

I AM Righteous – Session 6

At the cross a great exchange was made: Jesus became sin that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. We discuss what it means to be righteous and how we can reig

I AM a Child of God – Session 7

We have been born again of His Spirit with the nature of His Son, and He has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts by which we cry out “Abba, Father!” We are no

I AM More Than a Conqueror – Session 8

We discuss how Jesus conquered the enemies of fear, sickness, shame, sin, and death when He conquered satan at the cross. Jesus was the conqueror. We are more than conquer
Unveiling Jesus, 20-Part Series

Sonship, Session 16 of Unveiling Jesus

Grace has always been God’s heart for humanity. The law was not intended to define God’s relationship with man, which is based on faith. Alienation from

Rest, Session 19 of Unveiling Jesus

God intended for man to experience rest, as exemplified by His own rest after creation. This rest in Christ is characterized by freedom from fear and a t

Peace, Session 20 of Unveiling Jesus

Jesus offered us true peace, surpassing the world’s fleeting peace. This peace remains steadfast amidst life’s storms, found in focusing on Jesus’s prese
Cultivate, 10-Part Series

Session 2: Jesus Is the Son of God

The scriptures were written that we might believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and that by believing was might have life in Him. Video Audio  

Session 9: Jesus Saves

We all fall short of the glory of God, but Jesus traded places with us out of His great love for us. He met all of the requirements for us to be redee
Beholding Jesus in the Tabernacle, 5-Part Series
Resting in the Finished Work of Jesus, 8-Part Series

Session 1 – Entering the Rest

What does it mean to rest in the finished work of Jesus? We enter His rest by believing and receiving Christ Himself as our holiness, our blamelessnes

Session 3 – Who Is Jesus?

God said, “This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. Hear Him!” Hear the One who was and is and is to come. He was there in your past and will

Session 4 – Find Rest

Jesus said that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. He said to come to Him if we are weary and heavy-laden, and we will find rest. What is His y

Session 6 – The Paradigm Shift

By His grace, God has already purchased salvation, healing, deliverance, provision and peace through the blood of His beloved Son for every person on

Session 7 – The Path of Peace

Every single one of us needs wisdom from God to live life. The Bible says that wisdom is the path of peace. The Bible also says that Jesus has become

Session 8 – Being Spiritually Minded

stop worrying, and be at peace. We can’t be at rest unless we are spiritually minded. Paul said, “The mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set
Q&A Sessions About Grace

Q&A from Birmingham Grace Conference

Tricia Gunn, Jeremiah Johnson, Rob Rufus, and Mark Machen answer questions about God’s grace at the Birmingham Grace Conference 2018. https://vimeo.com/286808551  

Q&A at Texas Retreat

The Parresia Team answers questions about grace at our retreat in Texas. https://vimeo.com/259246750  

Women’s Encounter 20 Questions, Session 1

Part 1: Don’t we need to balance grace and truth? Can’t you have too much grace? Am I a “sinner saved by grace?” Doesn’t God want me to work on my sin so that I will improve? https://vimeo.com/145014771  

Women’s Encounter 20 Questions, Session 3

Part 3: Will there be a video tape of my sins? What about some of Jesus’s harsh words? Explain the Lord’s Supper. Do I have a sin nature? What is sanctification? https://vimeo.com/145047474  
Faith to Move My Mountains, 2-Part Series
Repentance, 3-Part Series
Various Teachings About Grace and Faith

I Would Have Lost Heart

I would have lost heart… Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all! Jesus is the same yesterday, today, a

Leadership Under Grace

Biblical leadership is about ungirding others for the express purpose of unveiling Jesus to them. It’s about beholding Him in His amazing grace, being

Freedom from the Yoke of Bondage

The yoke of bondage is the condemnation that comes from not understanding and believing in the finished work of Jesus. When we believe the truth about

Freedom When the Veil Is Removed

When the veil of the condemnation of the law is removed, we can see Jesus face to face. When we see the full glory of God in the face of Jesus, we see

Consciousness of Jesus

Tricia Gunn speaks on immersing ourselves in the consciousness of our magnificent, majestic, wonderful Jesus, and the importance of beholding Him in H

God’s Great Demonstration of Love

God demonstrated His love in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us!   https://vimeo.com/258442797 https://soundcloud.com/triciagunn/gods-

Is Everyone Saved?

As many as received Him, to them He gives the right to become children of God.   https://vimeo.com/630418152 https://soundcloud.com/triciagunn/is-ever

My Story

Enjoy this genuine and heartfelt testimony of God’s grace from the founder of Parresia at Grace Church in Orlando.   https://vimeo.com/297203639 https

Hearing the Voice of the Holy Spirit

God wants us to come boldly before His throne and be confident in our ability to hear from Him. The Holy Spirit lives inside of us, and we have a pers


Surely Jesus bore our sicknesses and carried our pains. By His stripes we were healed! https://soundcloud.com/triciagunn/healing/s-EJ9zL  
Benefits of the Cross Serie