Short Teachings and Excerpts

Unveiling Jesus, 20-Part Series

04 – The Love of God

God displayed that He loves us with all His heart, soul, strength, and mind when He sent His Son to die for us. https://

06 – Federal Headship

Every person is either in Adam’s sin or Christ’s righteousness. You can’t be in two places at one time. https://soundclo

07 – The Abundance of Grace

We reign in life by receiving the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness.

08 – Dead to Sin

Sin does not have power over us because we are under grace and not under law!

09 – Joined to Jesus

Every believer is joined to Jesus, and able to access the riches of His grace!

10 – God Is For Us

Nothing can separate us from God’s love poured out on us through Jesus Christ!

13 – Do You Trust Me?

The New Covenant of grace is based on the faithfulness of God, not the faithfulness of man!

14 – Righteousness of Faith

Righteousness is a gift. We can’t believe that we’re righteous by what we do and still believe we’re righteous as a gift!

15 – Law + Grace = Another Gospel

If righteousness could be obtained through our rule-keeping, then Christ died unnecessarily!

16 – Sonship

The spirit of sonship brings with it a sense that we are loved, accepted, approved of, and right with our Father! https:

17 – The Eternal Blood of Jesus

The blood of Jesus gives us eternal redemption and the freedom to live with a perfect conscience before God! https://sou

18 – One Sacrifice For Sins Forever

The one sacrifice of the Lamb of God has cleansed us from sin forever!

19 – Rest

Spiritual rest is the greatest result of the revelation of grace!

20 – Peace

Jesus left us with the most valuable and practical thing He could give us: PEACE!

25 – The Great Lie

The Great Lie is that we need to DO something to BECOME something that we already ARE.  

26 – Meditation

If we can worry, we can meditate. Worry is just meditation in reverse.  

27 – Strongholds

If we are anchored in the scriptures, we won’t be swayed by the arguments of demonic debaters.  

28 – Crucified with Jesus

The “old man” died. Trying to die doesn’t work because it’s already happened.  

29 – Sin has Lost Its Power

Sin has lost it’s power to control, condemn, given an identity, or separate from God because of the blood of Jesus.  

30 – New Creation Reality

We are partakers of the divine nature, with a new heart and a new spirit within us.  

31 – Hopelessly in Love

When our eyes are opened to amazing grace, we fall hopelessly in love with Jesus.  

33 – Revealed

The Holy Spirit is the agent of great awakening.  

34 – Fall from Grace?

Falling from grace is when we go back to performance religion.  

36 – Our Identity

We don’t DO to BE. We rest in who we ARE in Christ: loved, accepted, and approved of.  

38 – Fear of Death Defeated

We’re set free for a lifetime of bondage when we are set free from the fear of death.  

39 – Do Not Fear

If God is for us, who can be against us? Why should we ever fear?  
A Real View of the Grace Life Clips

A Revelation of Jesus, preview

The most important thing we can do in life is to behold Jesus and hear Him. Whenever Jesus is unveiled to us, grace is being brought to us.   https://

Grace and Truth vs. Religion

The panel discusses the idea of “balancing grace and truth.” Is this a biblical idea? What was the purpose of the law? This candid conversation tackle

The Love of God, preview

God displayed that He loves us with all His heart, soul, strength, and mind when He sent His Son to die for us. The more we know the love of God for u

Abundance of Grace, preview

When our eyes are opened to Jesus and His amazing grace, we will no longer be in held captive to performance-based religion, and the mentality of “do

Joined to Jesus, preview

Every believer is joined to Jesus, and able to access the riches of His grace. Every demand of this life is supplied through Him. As awesome as it is

God Is for You, preview

Nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus. As we behold Jesus in His love and grace, we discover our true identity in Him,

I AM Free, preview

Out of God’s heart of love for you, He not only has forgiven you of all your sins, if you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you have been washed clean f

I AM Loved, preview

We’ve all heard the verse, “God is love.” That’s His identity! If His identity is love, then our identity is His beloved. When Jesus looks at us, He s

I AM Forgiven, preview

The Bible says we have been forgiven according to the immeasurable riches of God’s grace. All of our sins past, present, and future were paid for at t

I AM Cleansed, preview

In this discussion we talk about what is means to be cleansed by the blood of Jesus and how that should give us a perfect conscience before God that i

I AM Holy, preview

You might find it hard to say you are holy, but you aren’t holy because you have behaved perfectly. You are holy because Jesus has became your holines

I AM Righteous, preview

At the cross a great exchange was made: Jesus became sin that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. We discuss what it means to be righteou

I AM A Child of God, preview

We have been born again of His Spirit with the nature of His Son, and He has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts by which we cry out “Abb

I AM More Than A Conqueror, preview

We discuss how Jesus conquered the enemies of fear, sickness, shame, sin, and death when He conquered satan at the cross. Jesus was the conqueror. We

Women in the Bible, preview

The Real View panel discusses “Women in the Bible” who encountered Jesus. They share stories about how Jesus cared for these women and how with each e

The Spirit of Grace, preview

Jesus said that the Father would send the Spirit of truth to guide us into all truth, testify of Jesus, and be our Helper. The panel discusses how kno

Perfect Peace, preview

You may think that it’s impossible to experience “perfect peace” this side of heaven, but Isaiah 26:3 says that God will keep you in perfect peace, wh

Neither Do I Condemn You, preview

Jesus said to the woman caught in adultery, “Neither do I condemn you.” He had run off all the hypocrites who wanted to stone her and then asked her,

Spiritual Warfare, preview

The panel discusses spiritual warfare under grace and resting in the finished work of Jesus. The enemy is defeated! If God is for us, who can be again

The Lens of Grace, preview

The ladies on “A Real View” discuss how reading, studying, and teaching the Bible changed when we began to see the scriptures through the “Lens of Gra

Life Without Limits, preview

The ladies discuss life without limits! If we can comprehend the width, length, depth, and height of the love of God for us, we will see that He is ab

No More Terms and Conditions, preview

God’s grace is FREE with “no terms and conditions” because every decree and every charge against us was settled at the cross. What’s our part? To rece

Healing Under Grace, preview

The ladies on “A Real View” discuss the healing grace of God and share their personal stories of God’s healing. “This was to fulfill what was spoken t

Good, Good Daddy, preview

The “Real View” panel discusses our Good, Good, Heavenly Daddy and how life changes when we know that we are fully accepted in the Beloved as children

Our New Nature in Christ, preview

The “Real View” panel discusses the truth of our new nature in Christ and how we live as a new creation in Him.

Nothing Can Separate Us, preview

The panel discusses how nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus, NOTHING! He will never leave us nor forsake us.   https:

Living for the Inside Out, preview

In this episode, the panel discusses the importance of renewing our minds to the truth of our position in Christ and beholding Him. We are transformed

Living from Heaven Down, preview

In this episode the panel discusses the reality that we are seated in heavenly places in Christ and how setting our minds on things above gives us res

Myth Busters, #1, preview

In this episode we discuss several myths that people believe about God and our relationship with Him. We talk through several topics: Can we be out of

Myth Busters, #2, preview

In this episode we discuss several myths that people believe about God and our relationship with Him. Do we have to obey the 10 Commandments to be hol

Our Inheritance in Christ, preview

What does it mean to be a co-heir with Christ? As believers we are co-crucified, co-buried, co-raised, and co-ascended with Jesus, and we are seated i

The Paradigm Shift, preview

The revelation of grace changes our perspective on everything! See how grace changes the way we think and the clear dichotomy that we see when our eye

The Prayer of the Righteous, preview

How has the revelation of grace changed the way we pray? The panel discusses how the revelation of grace affects our prayer life and our faith, the bo

Relationships Under Grace, preview

How does the understanding grace change how we relate to people? The panel discusses relationships – marriage, parenting, friendship – and how finding

Resting in the Finished Work, preview

How has the revelation of grace given you rest? Rest is the greatest result of the revelation of grace. The panel discussed how knowing we are perfect

The Sin Issue, preview

What happens when we mess up? In this episode of A Real View of the Grace Life, the panel discusses the challenges with the flesh, how to deal with si

Unless I had Believed, preview

Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all! Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Over and over i

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, preview

Enjoy this bold and impassioned message about the finished work of Jesus. Tricia relentlessly expounds on scripture after scripture to bring blessed a

The Foundation of Our Faith, preview

No other foundation can anyone lay but Jesus Christ. Everything is built on the foundation of His righteousness, which has been given to us as a free

Overcoming Doubt, preview

What is the key to having faith to move mountains? The key is overcoming doubt! What is doubt? Condemning ourselves. If we don’t condemn ourselves, th

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus, preview

Being skilled in the word of righteousness is becoming established in Christ’s righteousness and believing we are eternally righteous because of Him.

Jesus Is the Son of God, preview

As we behold Jesus, we become more and more aware of our position of righteousness in Him and our new nature in Him, and something begins to happen: w

Jesus Is Grace and Truth, preview

“Grace and Truth” came through Jesus Christ. Jesus is “full of grace and truth.” Grace (the unearned favor of God) and truth (the reality of who God i

Jesus Abounds in Mercy, preview

You will not find one time that Jesus was angry with a sinner. His anger was reserved for the self-righteous who, in their hypocrisy, lacked compassio
I AM Free Clips

I Am Complete, preview

Out of God’s heart of love for you, He not only has forgiven you of all your sins, if you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you have been washed clean f

I AM Loved, preview

We’ve all heard the verse, “God is love.” That’s His identity! If His identity is love, then our identity is His beloved. When Jesus looks at us, He s

I Am Forgiven, preview

The Bible says we have been forgiven according to the immeasurable riches of God’s grace. All of our sins past, present, and future were paid for at t

I Am Cleansed, preview

In this teaching we learn about what is means to be cleansed by the blood of Jesus and how that should give us a perfect conscience before God that is

I Am Holy, preview

You might find it hard to say you are holy, but you aren’t holy because you have behaved perfectly. You are holy because Jesus has became your holines

I Am Righteous, preview

At the cross a great exchange was made: Jesus became sin that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. We discuss what it means to be righteou

I Am A Child of God, preview

We have been born again of His Spirit with the nature of His Son, and He has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts by which we cry out “Abb

I AM More Than A Conqueror, preview

Jesus was the conqueror. We are more than conquerors though Him who loved us. Nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus. He
Goodness of God Clips

Goodness of God

God is good, only good, and only has good to give! He proved it by sending His Beloved Son for us!  

Ask Anything In My Name

Over and over Jesus said to ask anything in His name. Don’t be afraid to ask! Ask and you will receive, that your joy may be made full!   https://vime

Damascus Road

Are you praying for someone who is bent on going the wrong way? Take heart! No one is beyond the reach of God’s grace.  

God Is Good

God is good and only good and only has good to give! He never changes. He’s the same yesterday, today and forever!  

He Hears Us

God hears us! If we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we the petitions we have asked of Him.  

Lost Sheep

Jesus is the Good Shepherd who goes after the lost sheep, brings them home on His shoulders, bandages their wounds, and throws a party for them!   htt

Psalm 91

Psalm 91 is a powerful passage of scripture that describes the protection of God from danger. He is our deliver from all trouble!

The Ekklesia

Ekklesia is Greek for “church.” Where two or more of the citizens of heaven (the church) agree about anything they ask in the name of Jesus, it will b

The Family

What does our Father in heaven desire for our families? What does the Bible say about parents and children? What is HIs design? And plans? And will?  

Turn the Hearts

God is the God of restoration. He restores better than before! He will change hearts and restore our families!  

This Sickness Is Not Unto Death

Nothing is impossible with God. Nothing we face is too big for Him. Perhaps you need to hear, “This sickness is not unto death.”

What Do You Want Me To Do for You?

Jesus asked the simple question: “What do you want Me to do for you?” Could it be that simple? What do you want Him to do for you? Tell him!   https:/

You Are Called

Throughout the scriptures God says, “I made you… I called you by name… I know the plans I have for you.” You were designed by Love with a purpose!   h

You Are Lovable

God is love. That’s His identity. Love made you, and Love loves what He made! You are lovable, not because of what you do, but because of who you are:
Cultivate Clips

Jesus Is…

Jesus is Grace and Truth, the Light and the Life, the true Bread and the true Vine. He is our EVERYTHING.  

Jesus Is the Son of God excerpt

The scriptures were written that we might believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and that by believing was might have life in Him.

Jesus Saves, excerpt

Excerpt from Session 9 of the Cultivate series.  

Trading Places

The Great Exchange: Jesus became sin with our sin. We became righteous with His righteousness.  

The Name

The name of Jesus is above every other name.  

No Condemnation

We have the power to go and sin no more when we know that there is no condemnation for us.  

Grace and Truth

Grace and truth are an inseparable whole in Jesus. We can’t have one without the other.  

Under Grace

Under grace we have nothing to lose, gain, hide or prove.  

He Sees Me

God knows everything about us and loves us anyway.  

The Precious Blood

We’ve been redeemed with the precious blood of Jesus.  

His Zeal for Us

Jesus is “eaten up” with zeal for us.  

Set Free

We are set free from the bondage of that old mirror that always tells us that we aren’t enough.  

The Plan

How precious are God’s thoughts towards us. He made us and planned a wonderful destiny for us.  
The Wonder of Jesus Clips

The One And Only Battle

The greatest result of the revelation of grace is rest. Sometimes we battle to remain at rest because our minds stray for being fixed on Jesus to bein

Neither Do I Condemn You

The woman caught in adultery: Jesus was preoccupied with her freedom from condemnation, not her sin.  

Jesus, Our Healer

Jesus became sin that we might become righteous and forgiven, and by His wounds we are healed. Are you sick? We hope this video will encourage you as

Jesus Is the Image of the Father

He who has seen Jesus has seen the Father. When we see Jesus going to the cross for us, healing the sick, feeding the hungry, and delivering those in

Blessed Because of Jesus

Nothing was left out when Jesus hung on the cross for us. Stroke by stroke the full force of the entire curse of the law fell on Jesus. That’s why we

The One Thing Needed

Did you know that we can be drawn away from hearing Jesus because of serving Him? Jesus had a friend who understood “the one thing needed”: hearing Hi

Jesus, Our Well that Never Runs Dry

The Well that Never Runs Dry. Jesus, our Savior who knows everything about us and loves us anyway, is our well of unending supply. He is the free gift

Jesus, Our Victory

In the finished work of Jesus we are victorious. He has conquered the enemies of sin, depression, poverty, and disease. When were they conquered? At t

Walking on the Waves with Jesus

Just imagine Him walking on those waves 2000 years ago, and then see Him walking towards us on top of all our waves – our problems, fears, and circums

Jesus, Our Provider

If God didn’t spare His only beloved Son, how will He not with Jesus freely gives us everything we need? Sometimes He’ll ask us, “What do you have?” W


God does not look at our flesh to judge us. God looks at Jesus and says to you, “You are justified. You are holy. You are a perfect new creation in Ch

The Great Exchange

At the cross the great exchange was made. God made Jesus who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.     h

The Cup

Jesus drank the cup of suffering for us. He experienced on the cross all of the effects of sin and the curse for us – the shame, condemnation,  diseas

The Blood of Jesus Cleanses Us

The blood of Jesus is the great demonstration of His love poured out for us so that we could be in inseparable union with God, seated in heavenly plac

A Day in the Life of Jesus

Jesus was perfectly balanced. He wasn’t moved by His circumstances. He was ever in a hurry, harassed, or even troubled. And now He lives His life thro

Woman with the Alabaster Box

He who knows he is forgiven much, loves much. When we know we are forgiven much, we will know that we are loved much, and we love more! He who knows h

He Touched Me

Under law uncleanness was contagious, but under grace, when Jesus touches us, His righteousness is contagious. Where sin abounds, His grace abounds mu

Jesus, Our Forever Servant

Jesus chose to come for us out of His heart of love for us. He was pierced for our transgressions and crushed for our iniquities, and He laid down His

Celebrating Jesus at Christmas

Jesus became flesh and blood for us, fully God and fully man, so that He could be our Lamb of God. From His humble birth to His life on earth to His d
Original Unveiling Jesus, 10-Part Series Clips

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus, excerpt Excerpt from “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus,” the tenth session of the Original 10-part Unveiling Jesus Bible Study which corr

Entering the Holiest, excerpt Excerpt from “Entering the Holiest,” the ninth session of the Original 10-part Unveiling Jesus Bible Study which correspon

Undiluted Grace, excerpt Excerpt from “Undiluted Grace,” the eighth session of the Original 10-part Unveiling Jesus Bible Study which corresponds t

Father Abraham, excerpt Excerpt from “Father Abraham,” the seventh session of the Original 10-part Unveiling Jesus Bible Study which corresponds t

Jesus Unveiled, excerpt Excerpt from “Jesus Unveiled,” the sixth session of the Original 10-part Unveiling Jesus Bible Study which corresponds to

Living from the Inside Out, excerpt Excerpt from “Living from the Inside Out,” the fifth session of the Original 10-part Unveiling Jesus Bible Study which cor

Grace vs. Law, excerpt Excerpt from “Grace vs. Law,” the first session of the Original 10-part Unveiling Jesus Bible Study which corresponds to t

The Two Adams, excerpt Excerpt from “The Two Adams” the third session of the Original 10-part Unveiling Jesus Bible Study which corresponds to th

The Gospel Plain and Simple, excerpt Excerpt from “The Gospel, Plain and Simple,” the first session of the Original 10-part Unveiling Jesus Bible Study which c

A Revelation of Jesus

Jesus traded places with us: He became sin that we might become righteous.  

Grace and Truth vs. Religion

Today we are under the covenant of grace through the finished work of Jesus Christ.  

The Love of God

God displayed that He loves us with all His heart, soul, strength, and mind when He sent His Son to die for us.  

Federal Headship

Every person is either in Adam’s sin or Christ’s righteousness. You can’t be in two places at one time.    

The Abundance of Grace

We reign in life by receiving the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness.  

Dead To Sin

Sin does not have power over us because we are under grace and not under law!  

Joined to Jesus

Every believer is joined to Jesus, and able to access the riches of His grace!  

God Is for You

Nothing can separate us from God’s love poured out on us through Jesus Christ!  

The Veil Is Removed

When the veil of condemnation is removed, there is freedom!  

Do You Trust Me?

The New Covenant of grace is based on the faithfulness of God, not the faithfulness of man!  

Righteousness of Faith

Righteousness is a gift. We can’t believe that we’re righteous by what we do and still believe we’re righteous as a gift!

Law + Grace = Another Gospel

If righteousness could be obtained through our rule-keeping, then Christ died unnecessarily!  


The spirit of sonship brings with it a sense that we are loved, accepted, approved of, and right with our Father!  

Eternal Blood of Jesus

The blood of Jesus gives us eternal redemption and the freedom to live with a perfect conscience before God!  


Spiritual rest is the greatest result of the revelation of grace!  


Jesus left us with the most valuable and practical thing He could give us: PEACE!  
Beholding Jesus in the Tabernacle Clips

A Picture of Jesus excerpt

The tabernacle of Moses was a beautiful picture of the mercy and love of God for us.

Jesus, Jesus, JESUS! excerpt

Jesus has become everything for us.

Jesus, Our All In All excerpt

Jesus came from heaven to reveal God so that we can know Him.

Jesus, Our Lamb of God excerpt

Jesus became our identity so that we could be identified with His.

Jesus Carries Us To Heaven, excerpt

Jesus carries us to heaven. We can come with fearless confidence before the throne of grace knowing that we are righteous children of God.   https://v
Various Teachings about Grace Clips

Grace Abounded

Where sin abounded, Grace abounded much more!  

Our Intercessor

Jesus stood in our place as our Intercessor. He became sin that we might become righteous in Him. This is an excerpt from the teaching entitled, “Jesu

“In Christ” Illustration

An illustration to explain how being in Christ means our sins have been washed away!  

Is Everyone Saved? excerpt

As many as received Him, to them He gives the right to become children of God.  

Righteousness, excerpt

What happened at the cross? What did Jesus accomplish for us?

Rest, excerpt

How does knowing we are righteous affect our lives?

Reality, excerpt

How does rest give us God’s heavenly perspective?

Entering the Rest, excerpt

This is an excerpt from “Entering the Rest” is Session 1 of the series “Resting in the Finished Work of Jesus.”

Being Spiritually Minded, excerpt

Being Spiritually Minded What are strongholds? And how do we really tear them down? The battlefield is the mind. In other words, the battle is to beli


Parresia: boldness to receive, boldness to share.  

What I Saw

Testimony of Tricia Gunn, fonder of Parresia.  
Q&A Podcast Clips

Forgiveness, Part 2: The Wages of Sin

Q: What does “the wages of sin” mean? Q: How do you feel about Substitutionary Atonement? Did Jesus take our penalty for sin? In this episode of A Rea

Forgiveness, Part 3: Owing God

Q: Can you explain the lyric of the famous song, “Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe.” Do I still owe God? What do I owe Him?In this episode of A Rea

Forgiveness, Part 6, Unforgiveness

Q: I struggle forgiving someone who abused me. Does this mean that I am not saved?  Q: Does God send tormenters in my life because I haven’t forgiven

The Lord’s Supper

Q: Do we need to cleanse ourselves before we take the Lord’s Supper? Q: What does it mean to take Communion in an “unworthy manner”? Do we need to cle

The Conviction of the Holy Spirit

Q: Does the Holy Spirit Convict Believers of Sin? Q: What is the role of the Holy Spirit in my life? Alot of us have thought that the main role of the

Grieving the Holy Spirit

Q: How does grieving the Holy Spirit fit in with grace? Q: Do we grieve the Holy Spirit when we sin? The phrase “grieve the Holy Spirit” has often bee