Enjoy wonderful nuggets of grace from a variety of authors.

Grace Nugget Blog

Sin No More

See how He forgave you. See what He did on the cross for you. Receive it. Receive what Jesus has done! We free, Yo! (Frances Gunn)

Accepted by Grace

Before you were ever conceived, God knew you and chose to love you and accept you.  You are unique.  There is no one like you.  You have divine potential and a divine purpose in this world.  You are accepted! (Barry Bennett)

Lion and the Lamb

Relationship with God through Jesus Christ is by God’s design passionate, risky (beyond our control), adventurous, and un-caged. Passion for intimacy and love drove Jesus to lay down His life for us. God is wildly extravagant in His pursuit to capture our hearts. (Bill Snell)

Stinkin Tenacity vs. Grace

Stinkin tenacity vs. grace: One is from an outward motivation of performance. The other is from an inward motivation of love. One is about the numbers. The other is about the people… (Tricia Gunn)

The Scandal of Grace

This wonderful Grace of God found me and redeemed me and cleansed me and made me new and placed me in right standing with God forever. This scandalous Grace changes hearts and gives the undeserving mercy and new life and wholeness! (John Reed)

I Fought the Law… and the Law Won!

If you “fight the Law,” the Law always wins…you always lose! The only way you can win….is to accept, and LIVE IN, what’s already been done for you! That’s what we call GRACE! (Andy Taylor)

Simmer in His Grace

Simmer in His GRACE… Marinate… until you soul finds rest… Everything you touch will turn to LOVE… (Ty Cobb)

How does our new nature help us overcome sin?

The new nature was designed to walk in the Spirit and in victory over sin… (Ryan Rufus) 

Grace Offends the Flesh

I still find my inner Pharisee (my flesh…my self-sufficient…independent self…) rearing his ugly head from time to time. I just remind him of the cross… and the fact that he died there… and now Jesus IS my life! (Ty Cobb)

A Fireside Chat

Grace has a mutual flow that benefits the listener and the recipient.  I love talking with you.  I hide mystery just out of sight, not to keep things from you, but so you can delight in discovery. (Leah Waggoner)

Much More!

You were meant to rule and reign in life. Sin, sickness, poverty, stress, and fear are no match for the blood of Jesus!  The grace of God isn’t just equal to whatever you need – it is goes way beyond. Our God is a “MUCH MORE” God! (Mark Machen)

Not a Care in the World

I don’t have  a care in the world. Jesus took all the cares in the world …shame, guilt, rejection, sickness, sin…  and exchanged them for peace, righteousness, and rest. (Marianne Jenkins)