Enjoy wonderful nuggets of grace from a variety of authors.

Grace Nugget Blog

The Sound

Welcome to Parresia’s Grace Nuggets! There’s a sound coming from heaven: the sound of grace. And it’s coming from Jesus Himself. He’s  heralding the proclamation of the pure unadulterated, unmixed, scandalous, radical Gospel of Grace… (Tricia Gunn)

Exceeding Grace

How much is enough?  When we speak of God’s grace, we are speaking of something that cannot be quantified. It is limitless and unsearchable. (Barry Bennett)

Stop Using the Word “Grace”?!

Should we stop using the word “grace”? Has it become too controversial? Has it come to mean that I can sin all I want and God will forgive me? (Tricia Gunn)

Work Out Your Salvation with Fear and Trembling

Work out, through your lives, all the wonderful things that God has put in you. Trust in Him and put your confidence in him not in yourself. He is moving in you to give you the desire and the ability to walk in them! (Ryan Rufus)

as he is, so am i

as he is, so are you… Spotless. Holy. Faultless. Whole. Righteous. Blameless. Pardoned. You are the RIGHTEOUSNESS of God through JESUS… (Frances Gunn)

Trust Me

Me: “God, it seems like even believing is a work. It seems like the ONE thing I have to DO.” God: “Believing is the choice to do nothing in your own strength. Rest. Trust Me…” (by Tricia Gunn)

Grace Is a Person

It can’t be exaggerated or blown out of proportion. It can’t be overstated or over-applied. Grace is the it… and the ALL of it. (by Ty Cobb)

You Are Blameless in My Sight

My Heavenly Father views me with absolutely no sin based on the gift of righteousness given to me by Jesus! I am holy and blameless and accepted by Him. He loves me so much! I am free to live a life of no condemnation! (Nichole Marbach)

Are You a Parrhesiastes?

Has telling the truth cost you something? You may be a parrhesiastes… (by Tricia Gunn)


Through the work of Jesus, every believer is reconciled to God. “Reconciled”: to be restored to our original value. Not only are we reconciled and restored, peace with God has replaced alienation from God. (Joe Langley)

Guard Your Heart

“Guard your heart…” The next time you feel downtrodden, defeated, overwhelmed or attacked: guard your heart!  How? Put on that breastplate of righteousness and know who you are in Jesus! (by Marianne Jenkins)

Stone Pillared Legalists

Every believer is now fully accepted by the Father, made righteous and holy by the Son, and positioned blameless before Him in love. (Bill Snell)