Enjoy wonderful nuggets of grace from a variety of authors.

Scripture passages are examined to open our eyes to the radical nature of the pure Gospel of grace, Unveiling Jesus is about beholding Jesus and living in freedom everyday!

Unveiling Jesus Blogs

61: Christ’s Honor

By Tricia Gunn | November 9, 2021

If you recall, Adam and Eve were crowned with glory and honor, but they forfeited that glory in the fall. The word for honor in the Hebrew is “hadar.”1 This word is also used in Isaiah 53 where it talks about Jesus on the cross. He has no stately form or majesty [“hadar”, honor] that…

62: The Tree of Life

By Tricia Gunn | November 9, 2021

In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit of self-righteousness, and their eyes were opened to their nakedness. God asked them, “Who told you that you were naked?”1 Whenever I read that question in Genesis 3, I sense the angst of God and the grieving of the Holy Spirit. God never…

63: Much More!

By Tricia Gunn | November 9, 2021

Many times in the New Testament we see the phrase “much more” regarding some aspect of the grace of God being poured out on us.1 We see the “much more” regarding the value that we are to God as compared to the value of the rest of God’s creation, “much more” regarding the work of…

64: Two “Much Mores”

By Tricia Gunn | November 9, 2021

For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ. (Romans 5:17)1 Romans 5:17 tells us that we can reign in life through Jesus Christ. However, the experience of most…

65: Receiving a Gift

By Tricia Gunn | November 9, 2021

Once I met a friend for lunch and when the server asked if the bill would all be on one check, my friend pointed to me and jokingly said, “Only if she’s paying!” Now that’s someone who knows how to receive a gift! Sometimes we have a hard time just receiving a gift. We say…

66: Warfare

By Tricia Gunn | November 11, 2021

Jesus is the King of kings. We are kings in His kingdom! By virtue of being a king, we will engage in warfare. Reigning in this life involves a fight, but there is only one type of battle for the believer: Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you…

67: Spiritual Blindness

By Tricia Gunn | November 11, 2021

Did you know the biggest problem we have is spiritual blindness to what Christ has done for us? Blindness is the greatest bondage there is. Think about a blind person. Physically speaking, he’s in a prison of darkness. Imagine being in a brightly lit room with black duck tape on your eyes so that no…

68: Chariots of Fire

By Tricia Gunn | November 11, 2021

In 2 Kings 6 we find an incredible story that illustrates the opening of spiritual eyes beautifully. In this story, the King of Syria decided to make war against Israel. Elisha the prophet got wind of it by the Holy Spirit and warned the king of Israel not to fall into the traps the king…

69: Why the Law Was Added

By Tricia Gunn | November 11, 2021

In Romans 5:20, Paul tells us why the law was given. Hold onto your seats because this might shock you! Moreover the law entered that the offense might abound,… (Romans 5:20)1Another way of putting it is the law was added that sin might increase! Can that be true? Why would a holy God who hates…

70: The Purposes of the Law and Grace

By Tricia Gunn | November 11, 2021

The law had its purpose while we were still in the flesh: The law was given to stimulate sin.The law was given to make us guilty.The law was given to make us conscious of God’s anger.The law was given to bring attention to our unworthiness and sin.And as Colossians 2:14 says, the law was against…

71: The Grace Bandwagon

By Tricia Gunn | November 11, 2021

In the early days of my glorious, continuous encounter with the Spirit of Grace, I had the opportunity to share the pure Gospel of grace with literally thousands of people, sometimes in large meetings or often one-on-one at coffee houses or around the world on a daily devotional blog that I was writing at the…

72: Grace Abounded Much More

By Tricia Gunn | November 11, 2021

There comes a place where you are so transformed by the goodness of God that nothing else matters. It’s just about too good to be true because — But where sin abounded, GRACE ABOUNDED MUCH MORE, so that as sin reigned in death, even so grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus…