Unveiling Jesus Blogs
217: Perfected Forever
By the offering of Jesus on the cross for us, we have been perfected. This word also means made holy, sanctified, and set apart. We have been separated from this dark world and translated into the kingdom of God’s beloved Son forever. And ever… and ever. Nothing will separate us from God’s love. “For by…
218: A New and Living Way
The veil to God’s presence was torn by God Himself when Jesus gave up His life for us. Our sins have been removed as far as the east is from the west so that we can enjoy an intimate relationship with God. “”Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and He was buried,…
219: Sprinkled from an Evil Conscience
219: Sprinkled from an Evil Conscience Although we are near to God, so close that He is in us and we are in Him, there are times when we draw near in the sense that we intentionally worship Him, talk to Him, and ask Him questions. We don’t have to worry that He will condemn…
220: Our Confession of Hope
“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.” (Hebrews 10:23)1 The writer of Hebrews was encouraging the listeners – those Jewish people who were abandoning the Old Covenant system – not to waver in declaring their faith in Jesus as the final sacrifice. For us today,…
221: Sinning Willfully
Sinning Willfully. Do you believe that you can lose the gift of righteousness by sinning? Some Christians believe this because of a verse in Hebrews 10 which has been misinterpreted in many Christian circles, bringing great insecurity to believers. “For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no…
222: It’s Impossible To Renew Them To Repentance
In Hebrews chapter 6, there is a passage that has been misunderstood by many in the church bringing great uncertainty concerning the eternal righteousness that we have in Christ. Context is very important in interpreting the meaning of scriptures. With our context, confusion will cause fear, and fear will keep us from walking in the…
223: The Discipline of the Lord
In Hebrews 12 we find a passage of scripture that has been used by many to warn us against sins of the flesh that “so easily entangle,” and if we refuse to do so, then God will punish us. When we look at the passage in its context in Hebrews 12 as well as in…
224: Trust Me
Spiritual rest is the greatest result of the revelation of grace. Nothing has had a more practical effect on my life than knowing God is for me, God is smiling at me, God loves who He sees when He looks at me, and God is not counting my sins against me. And as a result,…
225: 7th Day
Did you know that when God created the first day, He made the evening first? In the evening we rest. So for man, rest comes first… rest before work. God intended for everything in our lives to be initiated out of rest. “God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the…
226: New Covenant Rest
As believers today, God’s presence is within us because God Himself became man, dwelled among us, and then joined Himself to us and lives inside of us. This was not true of Adam and Eve. Although they were perfect and God was with them and His glory crowned them, His presence was outside. They were…
227: Jesus Has Defeated Anxiety and Stress
We can learn alot about Jesus through the types and shadows of the Old Testament. The Old is the New concealed. The New is the Old revealed. One story that gives us an awesome picture of how Jesus has defeated anxiety and stress and how effective warfare is executed through rest can be found in…
228: Grasshoppers in Our Own Sight
What do you believe when you face the giants of this life? Do you see yourself as a grasshopper when opposition, depression, financial pressure, betrayal, sickness, and relational strife ambush you? Or are you well able to overtake them? In Numbers is an account of two ways to view the giants and two very different…