Out of God’s heart of love for you, He not only has forgiven you of all your sins, if you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you have been washed clean from all your sins, past, present, and future. And while it may not make sense to you now, you will never be more pure or more free than you were the moment that you were born again as a new creation in Jesus Christ. The moment you were saved, you reached the finish line with God. When Jesus cried, “It is finished” on the cross, He meant it.


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Parresia Ministries

Parresia Ministries

Parresia [pär-rā-sē'-ä]: a Greek word that means "boldness." Boldness before God to receive... Boldness before men to share... His scandalous grace with others! To read more about Parresia and the founder, Tricia Gunn, click here.