Full-Length Messages
Enjoy full-length messages that unveil the glorious gospel of grace, the extravagant love of God, the finished work of Jesus, and the new creation life of freedom.
- Benefits of the Cross Series
- Revival, 5-Part Series
- Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, 20-Part Series
- Let’s Keep The Amazing In Grace, 10-Part Series
- Promises of God, 6-Part Series
- Jesus, Jesus, Jesus: Single Message
- Grace Abounded Much More: Single Message
- I AM Free, 8-Part Series
- Unveiling Jesus, 20-Part Series
- Cultivate, 10-Part Series
- Beholding Jesus in the Tabernacle, 5-Part Series
- Resting in the Finished Work of Jesus, 8-Part Series
- Q&A Sessions About Grace
- Faith to Move My Mountains, 2-Part Series
- Repentance, 3-Part Series
- Various Teachings About Grace and Faith
Benefits of the Cross Series
Benefits of the Cross Study, Session 1: Jesus, Our Bondservant
The focus of this teaching is the love commitment Jesus has made to us by binding Himself to our humanity as our Mediator, our Intercessor, the God-Ma
Benefits of the Cross Study, Session 2: He Forgives All My Sins
The first benefit listed in Psalm 103 is forgiveness of sins. If we can receive that first benefit and truly believe that we are justified through the
Benefits of the Cross Study, Session 3: He Heals All My Diseases
Why should we believe that Jesus is the Healer of our bodies? Because Jesus bore and took away our sicknesses as well as our sins at the cross. What i
Benefits of the Cross Study, Session 4: He Redeems My Life from the Pit
Our Mediator has redeemed our lives from the pit. Jesus paid the price in His own blood to buy us out of the slavery of sin and death for eternity AND
Benefits of the Cross Series
Revival Series Session 1: Praying from the Perspective of Our Position
Today, right now, no matter how you feel about it, you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. You may feel that you are in no position to pray
Revival Series Session 2: Boldness to Love the Truth
Truth is a Person, and His name is Jesus. If truth is a Person, then Truth is personal. If Truth is a Person, and if that Person is love, then we neve
Revival Series Session 3: Our Good, Good Father
No series on revival would be complete without a message on our Good, Good Father, who welcomes the prodigal home with no rebuke, no demand for an apo
Revival Series Session 4: The God of Miracles
Revival Series Session 4: The God of Miracles from Parresia on Vimeo. God is a God of miracles! The Bible is full of miracles! And miracles still occu
Revival Series Session 5: God’s Opportune Time and Purpose
With revival on the horizon, it’s a wonderful time to reread the book of Acts and the accounts of the first revival and be reminded of the ways of God
Benefits of the Cross Series
Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, Session 1: “Jesus, Our Eternal Divine Servant”
Enjoy this teaching from John 13 which expounds on the Last Supper, Jesus washing His disciples’ feet, and what this means for us: we’re washed once w
Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, Session 2: “Jesus, Our Tenderhearted Good Shepherd”
From the parable of the Good Shepherd in John 10, let your heart be touched with this message about Jesus who has tender compassion for all who are we
Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, Session 3: “Jesus, Our Completeness”
We all need the touch of Jesus every day in our bodies and in our minds and in our emotions. When Jesus touched Peter’s mother-in-law’s hand, she was
Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, Session 4: “Jesus, Our Healer”
Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, Session 4, “Jesus, Our Healer” from Parresia on Vimeo. Experience the healing power of God by beholding Jesus
Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, Session 5: “Jesus, Our Endless Supply”
Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, Session 5, “Jesus, Our Endless Supply” from Parresia on Vimeo. From the miracle feeding of the 5000, we see a
Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, Session 6: “Jesus, Our Relentless Savior”
Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, Session 6, “Jesus, Our Relentless Savior” from Parresia on Vimeo. Our relentless Savior goes to the mountains
Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, Session 7: “Jesus, Our Peace Offering, Part 1″
Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, Session 7, “Jesus, Our Peace Offering, Part 1” from Parresia on Vimeo. Jesus bequeathed us with an inheritance
Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, Session 8: “Jesus, Our Peace Offering, Part 2″
Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, Session 8, “Jesus, Our Peace Offering, Part 2” from Parresia on Vimeo. The Peace Offering of the Old Testament
Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, Session 9: “Jesus, Our Access to the Riches of God’s Grace”
Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, Session 9, “Jesus, Our Access to the Riches of God’s Grace” from Parresia on Vimeo. Romans 5, verse 1 and 2 te
Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, Session 10: “Jesus, Our Eye Opener”
Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, Session 10, “Jesus, Our Eye Opener” from Parresia on Vimeo. In John 20, Jesus revealed Himself in different wa
Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, Session 11: “Jesus, Our Personal Restorer”
Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, Session 11, “Jesus, Our Personal Restorer” from Parresia on Vimeo. Jesus is our Personal Restorer. A beautiful
Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, Session 12: “Jesus, Our MUCH MORE Restorer”
Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, Session 12, “Jesus, Our MUCH MORE Restorer.” from Parresia on Vimeo. When Jesus restores, He restores MUCH MOR
Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, Session 13: “Jesus, Our YES!”
Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, Session 13, “Jesus, Our YES!” from Parresia on Vimeo. No matter how many promises God has made, they are YES i
Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, Session 14: “Jesus, Our Restful Fruitfulness, Part 1″
Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, Session 14, “Jesus, Our Restful Fruitfulness” from Parresia on Vimeo. Jesus is our restful fruitfulness. We ab
Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, Session 15: “Jesus, Our Restful Fruitfulness, Part 2″
Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, Session 15, “Jesus, Our Restful Fruitfulness, Part 2” from Parresia on Vimeo. Whatever the need, the seed is the
Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, Session 16: “Jesus, Our Fruitful Vine”
Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, Session 16, “Jesus, Our Fruitful Vine” from Parresia on Vimeo. Jesus, our Fruitful Vine, demonstrated for us – w
Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, Session 17: “Jesus, Our Righteousness”
Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, session 17, “Jesus, Our Righteousness” from Parresia on Vimeo. Does it seem too good to be true that we can be i
Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, Session 18: “Jesus, Our Rest”
Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, Session 18, “Jesus, Our Rest” from Parresia on Vimeo. Jesus said, ”Do not worry about your life…” This may be th
Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, Session 19: “Jesus, Our Giver of the River of Life”
Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, Session 19, “Jesus, Our Giver of the River of Life” from Parresia on Vimeo. During the wilderness journey of the
Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, Session 20: “Jesus, Our Resurrection and Our Life”
Beholding Jesus in His Amazing Grace, Session 20, “Jesus, Our Resurrection and Our Life” from Parresia on Vimeo. Jesus said, “I AM the resurrection an
Benefits of the Cross Series
Let’s Keep the Amazing in Grace, Session 1: “The Gospel Plain and Simple”
What you see, you can never unsee: Jesus is the revelation of the God of grace. The gospel of His grace is the good news that Jesus came AS US so that
Let’s Keep the Amazing in Grace, Session 2: “God’s Great Demonstration of Love”
God demonstrated His own love towards us in that while we were still sinners, Jesus died for us. God is not counting our sins against us because all o
Let’s Keep the Amazing in Grace, Session 3: “The Two Adams”
In this session several comparisons are made: The Tree of the Knowledge of Evil and the Tree of Life; self-righteousness and Christ’s righteousness; F
Let’s Keep the Amazing in Grace, Session 4: “Grace vs. Law”
In this message, a contrast is made between grace and law. Through Jesus Christ, we are offered the abundance of His grace the free gift of His righte
Let’s Keep the Amazing in Grace, Session 5: “Living from the Inside Out”
Living from the inside out can only happen when we know WHO we are and WHOSE we are. As a new creation in Christ, we have been set free from the conde
Let’s Keep the Amazing in Grace, Session 6: “Jesus Unveiled”
Session 6, “Jesus Unveiled” is a verse-by-verse study of 2 Corinthians 3 and the contrast between the “letter that kills” and the “Spirit that gives l
Let’s Keep the Amazing in Grace, Session 7: “Father Abraham”
The Bible calls Abraham the “father of our faith.” Abraham simply believed God, and God counted him righteous because of his faith. Today, it is the s
Let’s Keep the Amazing in Grace, Session 8: “Undiluted Grace”
Paul, the apostle of grace, was passionate about PURE, UNDILUTED grace and his cornerstone argument was “if righteousness comes through the law, then
Let’s Keep the Amazing in Grace, Session 9: “Entering the Holiest”
Jesus, the Son of God, “became flesh and dwelt among us” so that He could be the final sacrifice for our sins. He became the veil that separated us fr
Let’s Keep the Amazing in Grace, Session 10: “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus”
Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it b
Benefits of the Cross Series
Promises of God Session 1: All the Promises of God Are Yes in Jesus
All the Promises of God are YES is Jesus! In this first session of “Promises of God,” Tricia Gunn lays the groundwork for the series by expounding on
Promises of God Session 2: Ask Anything According to His Will and in His Name
Ask anything according to God’s will and in His name, and He will do it! In Session 2 of the “Promises of God” series, Tricia Gunn discusses the will
Promises of God Session 3: Waiting in Eager Expectation of His Promises
Biblical waiting is eager expectation of good from our good God. In Session 3 of the “promises of God” series, Tricia Gunn expounds on Biblical waitin
Promises of God Session 4: The Promise of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is our Helper who pours out upon us, fills us, springs up in us, and empowers us! Description: In Session 4 of the “promises of God” s
Promises of God Session 5: The Promise of the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation
[No audio of this teaching] In Session 5 of the “Promises of God” series, Tricia Gunn lays out why is was advantageous for us that Jesus would send th
Promises of God Session 6: Promises for Family, Health, and Provision
We are blessed because of Jesus in our families, our health, and our finances! In Session 6 of the “Promises of God” series, Tricia Gunn brings this s
Benefits of the Cross Series
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
Enjoy this bold and impassioned message about the finished work of Jesus and the blessed assurance we can have that our sins have been washed away and
Benefits of the Cross Series
Grace Abounded Much More
Where sin abounded grace abounded much more!
Benefits of the Cross Series
I AM Free – Intro
This teaching is the introduction to the “I AM Free Because of Jesus” Bible study series. I am Free is for all believers who desire to walk in the freedom given to us thro
I AM Complete – Session 1
Out of God’s heart of love for you, He not only has forgiven you of all your sins, if you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you have been washed clean from all your sins, pa
I AM Loved – Session 2
We’ve all heard the verse, “God is love.” That’s His identity! If His identity is love, then our identity is His beloved. When Jesus looks at us, He says, “You are all fai
I AM Forgiven – Session 3
The Bible says we have been forgiven according to the immeasurable riches of God’s grace. All of our sins past, present, and future were paid for at the cross and we have
I AM Cleansed – Session 4
In this discussion we talk about what is means to be cleansed by the blood of Jesus and how that should give us a perfect conscience before God that is free of guilt and s
I AM Holy – Session 5
You might find it hard to say you are holy, but you aren’t holy because you have behaved perfectly. You are holy because Jesus has became your holiness. When we behold Jes
I AM Righteous – Session 6
At the cross a great exchange was made: Jesus became sin that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. We discuss what it means to be righteous and how we can reig
I AM a Child of God – Session 7
We have been born again of His Spirit with the nature of His Son, and He has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts by which we cry out “Abba, Father!” We are no
I AM More Than a Conqueror – Session 8
We discuss how Jesus conquered the enemies of fear, sickness, shame, sin, and death when He conquered satan at the cross. Jesus was the conqueror. We are more than conquer
Benefits of the Cross Series
A Revelation of Jesus, Session 1 of Unveiling Jesus
When Jesus died for our sins, he saved us, allowing us to become righteous and receive God’s blessings. In the Gospel of Jesus Christ we find everything
Grace and Truth vs. Religion, Session 2 of Unveiling Jesus
The Old Covenant of law exposed sin, while the New Covenant of grace offers salvation through Jesus Christ. Works-based religion, a mixture of both coven
Not Counting Our Sins Against Us, Session 3 of Unveiling Jesus
God demonstrated His love by sending Jesus to die for us while we were still sinners. We are redeemed from the curse and free from condemnation. The Holy
The Love of God, Session 4 of Unveiling Jesus
True peace- the peace that sustains all other peace- comes from a peaceful conscience, knowing that despite our sins, God loves and accepts us. Jesus’s s
Christ’s Righteousness vs. Self-Righteousness, Session 5 of Unveiling Jesus
God intended for humanity to live in glory and honor, but Adam and Eve lost this through disobedience. The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil demonstrate
Federal Headship, Session 6 of Unveiling Jesus
Many Christians experience fluctuating feelings of closeness to God, hindering their freedom. This can be addressed by understanding “federal headship.”
The Abundance of Grace, Session 7 of Unveiling Jesus
Romans 5:17 emphasizes that those who receive grace and righteousness will reign in life through Jesus Christ. Resting in the finished work of the cross
Dead To Sin, Session 8 of Unveiling Jesus
Believers have died to sin, but often struggle with ongoing sin. This can be overcome by recognizing that God no longer counts our sins against us. By fo
Joined To Jesus, Session 9 of Unveiling Jesus
Believers are joined to Jesus and have access to His grace. Living under the law leads to self-effort and fuels sinful desires. True strength comes from
God Is For You, Session 10 of Unveiling Jesus
The truth of “no condemnation” offers profound freedom. God assesses us based on Christ’s work, not our own actions. We are delivered from sin and darkne
The Letter Kills, the Spirit Gives Life, Session 11 of Unveiling Jesus
Paul referred to the Old Testament law as the “letter that kills,” representing a system of legalism that focuses on earning God’s favor through works. G
The Veil Is Remove, Session 12 of Unveiling Jesus
The Ten Commandments, a “ministry of death,” lead to condemnation. The “ministry of the Spirit” in the New Covenant offers freedom and the glory of Jesus
Do You Trust Me? Session 13 of Unveiling Jesus
God’s covenant with Abraham was based on faith, not works. This illustrates the New Covenant, where believers, as Abraham’s spiritual descendants, are de
Righteousness of Faith, Session 14 of Unveiling Jesus
We are qualified to be co-inheritors with Jesus through His righteousness, not our own. Works-based efforts turn God’s favor into a debt, not a gift. Tru
Law + Grace = Another Gospel, Session 15 of Unveiling Jesus
Galatians emphasizes the importance of grace alone for salvation, opposing the addition of works. Paul strongly condemned those who taught a “grace plus
Sonship, Session 16 of Unveiling Jesus
Grace has always been God’s heart for humanity. The law was not intended to define God’s relationship with man, which is based on faith. Alienation from
The Eternal Blood of Jesus, Session 17 of Unveiling Jesus
The blood of Jesus provides eternal redemption and a sin-free conscience. God desires us to live free from the burden of past sins, not constantly dwelli
One Sacrifice for Sins Forever, Session 18 of Unveiling Jesus
Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross completely atoned for our sins, allowing us to enter God’s presence with confidence. The law was a system of death, while
Rest, Session 19 of Unveiling Jesus
God intended for man to experience rest, as exemplified by His own rest after creation. This rest in Christ is characterized by freedom from fear and a t
Peace, Session 20 of Unveiling Jesus
Jesus offered us true peace, surpassing the world’s fleeting peace. This peace remains steadfast amidst life’s storms, found in focusing on Jesus’s prese
Benefits of the Cross Series
Session 1: Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
Jesus is Grace and Truth, the Light and the Life, the true Bread and the true Vine. He is our EVERYTHING. Video Audio
Session 2: Jesus Is the Son of God
The scriptures were written that we might believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and that by believing was might have life in Him. Video Audio
Session 3: Jesus is the Life and the Light
In Jesus is life and His life is the light that reveals who God is to all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness will never overc
Session 4: Jesus Is Grace and Truth
The law was given through Moses. Grace and Truth came through Jesus Christ. Truth is on the side of grace! Video Audio
Session 5: Jesus Sees Me And He Loves What He Sees
When God looks at me, He sees perfectly, like no man can see. He sees me in the light of the finished work of Jesus Christ. Video Audio
Session 6: Jesus Is God Unveiled
Jesus knows everything about you and loves you for it. Video Audio
Session 7: Jesus Turns Water Into Wine
The first miracles of Jesus was turning water to wine. The wine is a symbol of the blood of Jesus which washes our sins away, and also a symbol of the
Session 8: Zeal for My Father’s House Has Eaten Me Up!
We are the dwelling place of God, and He is “eaten up” with passion for us. Video Audio
Session 9: Jesus Saves
We all fall short of the glory of God, but Jesus traded places with us out of His great love for us. He met all of the requirements for us to be redee
Session 10: For God So Loved The World
The new birth is a new creation of a whole new man who is a partaker of the nature of God. Behold what manner of love the Father has given to us, that
Benefits of the Cross Series
Session 1, Beholding Jesus in the Tabernacle, A Picture of Jesus
The tabernacle of Moses was a beautiful picture of the mercy and love of God for us. Video Audio
Session 2, Beholding Jesus in the Tabernacle, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
Jesus has become everything for us. Video Audio
Session 3, Beholding Jesus in the Tabernacle, Jesus, Our All In All
Jesus came from heaven to reveal God so that we can know Him. Video Audio
Session 4, Beholding Jesus in the Tabernacle, Jesus, Our Lamb of God
Jesus became our identity so that we could be identified with His. Video Audio
Session 5, Beholding Jesus in the Tabernacle, Jesus Carried Us to Heaven
We can come with fearless confidence before the throne of grace knowing that we are righteous children of God. Video Audio
Benefits of the Cross Series
Session 1 – Entering the Rest
What does it mean to rest in the finished work of Jesus? We enter His rest by believing and receiving Christ Himself as our holiness, our blamelessnes
Session 2 – Set Free from a Lifetime of Bondage
There is one fear that is the root of all others: the fear of death – but we can be set free from it! Jesus died to destroy the one who had the power
Session 3 – Who Is Jesus?
God said, “This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. Hear Him!” Hear the One who was and is and is to come. He was there in your past and will
Session 4 – Find Rest
Jesus said that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. He said to come to Him if we are weary and heavy-laden, and we will find rest. What is His y
Session 5 – Judgement for the Believer
The goal of this teaching is to encourage any believer whose rest has been disturbed by fear of judgment or punishment or any negative eternal consequ
Session 6 – The Paradigm Shift
By His grace, God has already purchased salvation, healing, deliverance, provision and peace through the blood of His beloved Son for every person on
Session 7 – The Path of Peace
Every single one of us needs wisdom from God to live life. The Bible says that wisdom is the path of peace. The Bible also says that Jesus has become
Session 8 – Being Spiritually Minded
stop worrying, and be at peace. We can’t be at rest unless we are spiritually minded. Paul said, “The mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set
Benefits of the Cross Series
Grace Q&A with Tricia Gunn and Connie Witter
Tricia Gunn of Parresia Ministries and Connie Witter of Because of Jesus team up to answer questions about the amazing grace of Jesus. https://vimeo.com/168493332
Grace Answers with Mark Machen and Tricia Gunn
Question and answer concerning the Gospel of Grace with Tricia Gunn founder of Parresia and Mark Machen pastor of Life of Faith Church. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIuCCah2Nps
Q&A from Birmingham Grace Conference
Tricia Gunn, Jeremiah Johnson, Rob Rufus, and Mark Machen answer questions about God’s grace at the Birmingham Grace Conference 2018. https://vimeo.com/286808551
Q&A at Texas Retreat
The Parresia Team answers questions about grace at our retreat in Texas. https://vimeo.com/259246750
Women’s Encounter 20 Questions, Session 1
Part 1: Don’t we need to balance grace and truth? Can’t you have too much grace? Am I a “sinner saved by grace?” Doesn’t God want me to work on my sin so that I will improve? https://vimeo.com/145014771
Women’s Encounter 20 Questions, Session 2
Part 2: Do I need to confess my sins? Does sin matter to God? What is repentance? What sins am I forgiven of? https://vimeo.com/145038103
Women’s Encounter 20 Questions, Session 3
Part 3: Will there be a video tape of my sins? What about some of Jesus’s harsh words? Explain the Lord’s Supper. Do I have a sin nature? What is sanctification? https://vimeo.com/145047474
Women’s Encounter 20 Questions, Session 4
Part 4: Can I be under a curse? Is the devil defeated or not? What is the yoke of bondage? Why pray if the work is finished? https://vimeo.com/145055500
Alabama Amazing Grace Conference, 20 Questions, Session 1
Part 1: Can we be under a curse? Does the Holy Spirit convict of sin? Confession of sins? Does sin matter? Fellowship with God? Repentance? Die daily? Sin Nature? Sanctification? https://soundcloud.com/tricia
Alabama Amazing Grace Conference, 20 Questions, Session 2
Part 2: How do we love God with all our heart? Are the 10 Commandments written on our hearts? Video tape of my sins? Should we focus on our sin? Am I a sinner? https://soundcloud.com/triciagunn/grace-question
Benefits of the Cross Series
Part 1 of Faith to Move My Mountains, Overcoming Doubt
This 2-part series by Tricia Gunn is on how grace and faith work together so that we can have faith to move mountains! We are righteous sons and daugh
Part 2 of Faith To Move My Mountains, The Foundation of Our Faith
This 2-part series by Tricia Gunn is on how grace and faith work together so that we can have faith to move mountains! We are righteous sons and daugh
Benefits of the Cross Series
Righteousness, Session 1 of Repentance, 3-part series
What happened at the cross? What did Jesus accomplish for us? Session 1 of “Repentance: Changing Our Minds from the Old to the New.”
Rest, Session 2 of Repentance, 3-part series
How does knowing we are righteous affect our lives? Session 2 of “Repentance: Changing Our Minds from the Old to the New.”
Reality, Session 3 of Repentance, 3-part series
https://vimeo.com/638271620 How does rest give us God’s heavenly perspective? Session 3 of “Repentance: Changing Our Minds from the Old to the New.”
Benefits of the Cross Series
I Would Have Lost Heart
I would have lost heart… Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all! Jesus is the same yesterday, today, a
Leadership Under Grace
Biblical leadership is about ungirding others for the express purpose of unveiling Jesus to them. It’s about beholding Him in His amazing grace, being
Freedom from the Yoke of Bondage
The yoke of bondage is the condemnation that comes from not understanding and believing in the finished work of Jesus. When we believe the truth about
Freedom When the Veil Is Removed
When the veil of the condemnation of the law is removed, we can see Jesus face to face. When we see the full glory of God in the face of Jesus, we see
Consciousness of Jesus
Tricia Gunn speaks on immersing ourselves in the consciousness of our magnificent, majestic, wonderful Jesus, and the importance of beholding Him in H
God’s Great Demonstration of Love
God demonstrated His love in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us! https://vimeo.com/258442797 https://soundcloud.com/triciagunn/gods-
The Person & Work of Jesus and 5 Women Who Encountered His Grace
Enjoy this message which highlights the importance of the Person and the work of Jesus, and how His amazing grace transforms our lives. See Jesus as H
Is Everyone Saved?
As many as received Him, to them He gives the right to become children of God. https://vimeo.com/630418152 https://soundcloud.com/triciagunn/is-ever
My Story
Enjoy this genuine and heartfelt testimony of God’s grace from the founder of Parresia at Grace Church in Orlando. https://vimeo.com/297203639 https
Hearing the Voice of the Holy Spirit
God wants us to come boldly before His throne and be confident in our ability to hear from Him. The Holy Spirit lives inside of us, and we have a pers
Surely Jesus bore our sicknesses and carried our pains. By His stripes we were healed! https://soundcloud.com/triciagunn/healing/s-EJ9zL