So many believers, who at one time experienced joy unspeakable in their newfound freedom in Christ and who understood the unconditional love of God when they simply believed that Jesus died and rose again to forgive them of their sins, today are no longer living under those sunny blue skies basking in the joy of their salvation. Instead, the skies are gray. The sun might shine for a little while, but then it goes back behind the clouds. They feel free today and in bondage tomorrow. Why? Because sometimes they feel like they are “right with God” and sometimes they don’t.

How can we forever clear up this gray “getting right with God” mentality that many Christians are in bondage to and begin to live a life of freedom and power?

The truth of the New Covenant is not made complete until we understand the separating of the federal headship of first Adam from the federal headship of last Adam, Jesus Christ.1 It is in the revelation of the absolute, black and white change in federal headship for the human race that we can truly grab hold of who we are in Christ and then see all of the supernatural, miraculous power of God released and manifested in the earth.

Therefore, just as through one man [Adam] sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned— (Romans 5:12, brackets mine)2

This verse is saying that sin entered the human race through Adam, and because of his sin, the human race would die physically and every human being would be born in Adam’s sin. God never intended for man to die. He created Adam and Eve’s bodies to live forever, but when sin entered, their bodies began to decay, and they eventually died. Ever since the fall of man, the creation has been groaning and eagerly waiting to be set free from corruption, death, and decay.3 The natural realm has been moving from order to disorder since Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden.

The first Adam was given dominion over the entire earth, yet he gave that authority away to satan when he fell. Now every single human being since Adam was born in Adam’s sin and spiritually dead.

This might seem unfair, but what is infinitely more unfair is that the last Adam, Jesus Christ, came to forever remove the sin of first Adam and bring about a restoration and redemption that is far greater than what was lost in first Adam’s sin. The only Sinless one took all of the condemnation and punishment for the sin every man who has ever been born or who will ever be born so that we might be made righteous and set free from the bondage of sin.

Therefore, as through one man’s offense [Adam] judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man’s righteous act [Jesus] the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life. For as by one man’s disobedience [Adam] many were made sinners, so also by one Man’s obedience [Jesus] many will be made righteous. (Romans 5:18-19, brackets mine)

(from pages 105-106 of Unveiling Jesus)

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Unveiling Jesus, by Tricia Gunn, is a verse by verse study of the pure gospel of grace. It’s an amazing journey of love, identity, and freedom in Christ.

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11 Corinthians 15:45
2All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New King James Version. Scripture taken from the New King James Version®.  Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson.  Used by permission.
3Romans 8:21-23

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Tricia Gunn

Tricia Gunn

Tricia Gunn is the Founder of Parresia, host of A Real View, and the author of Unveiling Jesus, which lays a verse by verse foundation of the amazing grace of Jesus, along with the accompanying 20-part teaching series. Involved in ministry for over two decades, Tricia Gunn has always had a passion to see God’s beloved children healed and delivered — physically, emotionally, and spiritually.