My Grace Journal, Year Three…
Another year passed… and wow! As I beheld the wonder of my God, I saw more and more… As I experienced the joy of my salvation, I went from tears of healing and restoration that seemed like they would never end to an awe that absolutely overwhelmed me every single day, and then on to an insatiable desire to share this love and spread this Gospel to others! The river of joyful thoughts grew:
He loves EVERYONE just like He loves me.
He told me not to see anyone after the flesh – why? Because He sees no one after the flesh.1
He told me not to call anyone unholy – why? Because no one is beyond the grip of His grace.2
There are only two kinds of people: those who are in Him and those who are not….yet.
His heart of love burns for those who are not in Him….yet.
My heart of love burns for those who are not in Him….yet.
He did NOT come to condemn the world, but to save it.
He loved me while I was still in my sin, darkened in my understanding.
He loves EVERYONE that way.
His love knows no boundaries.
His love is in me…my love knows no boundaries.
There is only one thing that can penetrate a heart of stone: His love.
The world is dying because they don’t know His love.
The world will know His love because He Himself will flow through me in rivers of living water, and the world will be drenched in pools of affection and forgiveness and acceptance and joy.
In Christ there is no condemnation. He took care of sin. He took it away. What the law couldn’t do, He did. HE DID IT! HE REALLY DID IT!
When God looks at me, He sees ME and He likes what He sees.
This news is too good to keep to myself.
Yes, the news is too good to just enjoy for myself. We must tell the world that Jesus loves them. Today, the truth that I ponder most is the fact that Jesus chose to die for me. Some days when I am contemplating this truth, I come close to going beneath the surface into the meaning of it, and I find myself unable to contain even the slightest revelation of it. It’s too wonderful for me to handle! But in my spirit I desire to go there even if it’s by one glimpse at a time, and even if it takes all of eternity to grasp the depth of what He chose to do for me.
(from pages 309-311 of Unveiling Jesus)
Want more from Tricia Gunn? Check out excerpts from the Unveiling Jesus 20-part series!
Unveiling Jesus, by Tricia Gunn, is a verse by verse study of the pure gospel of grace. It’s an amazing journey of love, identity, and freedom in Christ.
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12 Corinthians 5:16
2Acts 10:28