We hear about the need to “balance grace and truth.” This phrase implies that grace and truth are polar opposites on either side of a see-saw, and we need to make sure we keep them balanced. In other words, truth is synonymous with law, and we need the law to make sure we don’t sin because grace doesn’t do anything to keep us from sinning. That sounds reasonable, doesn’t it? If we completely remove the law, people will just go crazy and do whatever they want. We need the law as a reminder of what we should and shouldn’t do. Right? Actually, no! That goes completely against the scriptures, and in my opinion, that kind of thinking is why so many Christians are suffering.
What the “balance” folks are saying is that truth is about obeying God’s commands, and grace is about not getting punished when you don’t embrace God’s commands through obedience. In some instances, truth is when we feel compelled to share our insight and tell someone something they need to hear, but don’t want to hear it; and grace is letting them off the hook and not telling them what they need to hear.
A few years ago after my eyes were gloriously opened to amazing grace, I began to teach everything I was learning in Bible studies and on a daily blog, and the response was tremendous. Grace was spreading like wildfire and joy was erupting everywhere I went! However, another Christian leader met with me and advised me that I should teach on other topics besides grace so that I would be “balanced” in my teaching. He asked me why I didn’t teach on parenting or finances. He spent a considerable portion of our discussion trying to convince me to teach on the wrath of God. He was genuinely trying to help me. As I was listening to him, I prayed, “Lord, how do I respond to this?” I just sat in silence for most of the discussion because there seemed to be no opening to share this revelation of the simplicity of the Gospel. You see, grace isn’t a topic! Grace is Jesus. Grace is everything. Grace is the foundation for every teaching and every subject! I didn’t feel led to argue with this leader, so I just said, “Well, grace is what the Lord has told me to teach.”
“Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” (John 1:17, NKJV) 1
(from pages 44-45 of Unveiling Jesus)
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Unveiling Jesus, by Tricia Gunn, is a verse by verse study of the pure gospel of grace. It’s an amazing journey of love, identity, and freedom in Christ.
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1 All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New King James Version. Scripture is taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission.