26: Fear of Punishment and Consequences

If there is any doubt that the cross has removed all of our sins – past present and future – we will doubt whether God has good in our future, and we will attempt dead works in an effort to cleanse our conscience to obtain good standing before God, or we will do just about anything to work our way back into the favor of man. This is self-righteousness. The motivation behind self-righteousness is fear of PUNISHMENT from God and fear of CONSEQUENCES from man.

If we don’t have peace in our conscience, we will think God is responsible for the evil in our lives, and we will come to the conclusion that He is punishing us for our sin in some way. If we have a wrong conclusion about God, we will not flow in grace. We will think we are just reaping from Him what we deserve. How many people are walking around in this world living lives out of a sense that they are simply getting what they deserve?

• They mishandled their money, so they deserve to be poor.

•  They committed adultery, so they deserve to lose their marriage.

•  They were critical and demanding of their children, so they deserve to be estranged from them.

•  They mistreated their bodies, so they deserve to be sick.

•  They cheated at work, so they deserve to be fired.

•  They were promiscuous in their youth, so they deserve to be barren.

•  They were alcoholics, so they deserve to lose everything.

•  They betrayed a friend, so they deserve to be friendless.

•  They are grumpy, angry or just simply imperfect, so they deserve to be rejected.

•  They turned their back on God, so they deserve for Him to turn His back on them.

Yes, there are consequences to our actions in this world, but the God of grace is seated on the throne of grace ready for us to come to the end of ourselves — to the end of the self-effort of the flesh — and throw ourselves at His mercy. He specializes in creating rivers in the desert and roadways in the wilderness.

Remember: we don’t need grace if we have behaved perfectly. Grace is only for those who DON’T have it all together.

“Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert.” (Isaiah 43:18-19, NKJV)

(from pages 69-70 of Unveiling Jesus)

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Unveiling Jesus, by Tricia Gunn, is a verse by verse study of the pure gospel of grace. It’s an amazing journey of love, identity, and freedom in Christ.

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Tricia Gunn

Tricia Gunn

Tricia Gunn is the Founder of Parresia, host of A Real View, and the author of Unveiling Jesus, which lays a verse by verse foundation of the amazing grace of Jesus, along with the accompanying 20-part teaching series. Involved in ministry for over two decades, Tricia Gunn has always had a passion to see God’s beloved children healed and delivered — physically, emotionally, and spiritually.