Grace isn’t just a part of the gospel.

It isn’t just one of many important doctrines.

It doesn’t have to be balanced…

or put in perspective.

It can’t be exaggerated…

or blown out of proportion.

It can’t be overstated…

or over-applied.

Grace is the it… 

and the ALL of it.

It’s the door…

the floor…

the ceiling.

It’s the whole house.

It’s how you get in…

how you stay in…

how you live…

and breathe…

and have your very being.

It’s the whole kit…

and the kaboodle–

the whole enchilada.

Everything in the Kingdom…

proceeds from grace.

It isn’t an emphasis…

a doctrine…

a camp…

or a sermon series.


It is all about grace…

because grace IS the good news–

“the gospel of His grace.”

But more than that…

grace is a person… 

and His name is Jesus.

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Ty Cobb

Ty Cobb

Gifted author, Ty Cobb of Amarillo, Texas, had a grace encounter in 2009 while reading a Joseph Prince book in the mountains of Colorado. Since then his passion was to share the hilarious almost-too-good-to-be-true news of the gospel of grace with everyone he met. Though he has worn many titles in his life, his favorites were husband to Charla, father to Nikki, and Son of God.

Ty's writings are CAPTIVATING, and uniquely express the truths of amazing grace!