Each chapter of the book of Hebrews contrasts Jesus in some respect with something inferior. Continuing from yesterday, we see the “better things” of the New Covenant in Jesus’ blood that have come to replace the Old Covenant sacrifices and works of the law.
Chapter 7, The priesthood of Jesus is superior to the Levitical priesthood of the Old Covenant. The priesthood of Jesus came “according to the order of Melchizedek” who was a king-priest with no record of a beginning or an end, unlike the levitical priesthood that was wrapped up in the priest’s earthly genealogy. Melchizedek appears in only two verses in the entire Old Testament1 and was a type and shadow of Jesus as the Son of God, rather than the Son of Man. He was “king of righteousness” and the “king of peace.” Jesus is FOREVER the King whose word has all authority and our High Priest who lives according the power of an endless life. The levitical priesthood could only bless the people when they were faithful and curse them when they weren’t. However, our King-Priest Jesus only blesses! We, the lesser, are always blessed by the Better.
Chapter 8, Grace is superior to the law. Chapter 8 contrasts the Old Covenant of law with the New Covenant of grace. It’s all about a better covenant based on better promises!
Chapter 9, Heaven is superior to the Holy of Holies of the tabernacle of Moses. Chapter 9 contrasts the earthly man-made tabernacle of Moses with the heavenly sanctuary made without hands that was not of this creation. Jesus entered this superior sanctuary to appear in the presence of God for us; not with the blood of another, but with His own blood to forever put away sins.
Chapter 10, The blood of Jesus is superior to the blood of bulls and goats. Chapter 10 contrasts the eternal efficacy of the blood of Jesus with the blood of bulls and goats which only offered temporary forgiveness.
Chapter 11, God provided something better for us. Chapter 11 is the renowned “hall of fame of faith” of all the heroes from the Old Testament. These heroes looked down the corridors of time to a better resurrection than even being raised from the dead in this life. They achieved great feats of faith to see the promise of the New Covenant come to pass. They all died in faith, believing the promise that God would send salvation through a Savior. Today God has “provided something better for us.” The promises have been fulfilled through Jesus, and when we are born again, we enter His heavenly kingdom immediately by the spirit and are seated in Christ at the Father’s right hand.
Chapter 12, The “great cloud of witnesses” cheer us on. Those heroes of the Old Testament who have gone before us join in one heavenly voice declaring our victory as they witness from the heavenly perspective. This should bring great encouragement to us to keep on keeping on and to fix our eyes on Jesus, “the author and finisher of our faith.” Jesus endured persecution unto death. The writer exhorts the readers in light of the heavy persecution they faced to throw off the sin of unbelief which so easily entangles. Chapter 12 also contrasts the mountain of the law, Mount Sinai, with the mountain of the Lord, Mount Zion, the heavenly Jerusalem, where our spirits are right now!
Chapter 13, Concluding instructions, a benediction, and farewell.
(from pages 284-285 of Unveiling Jesus)
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Unveiling Jesus, by Tricia Gunn, is a verse by verse study of the pure gospel of grace. It’s an amazing journey of love, identity, and freedom in Christ.
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1Genesis 14:18 and Psalm 110:4″