There is no more significant book than Hebrews in discovering the meaning behind the sacrificial death of Jesus.
The book of Hebrews was written to Jewish people. Some of them were Christians, and some were on the brink of receiving Jesus as their Messiah and the final sacrifice for their sins. The entire book of Hebrews is about “better things.” Each chapter contrasts Jesus in some respect with something inferior.
Chapters 1 and 2, Jesus is superior to the angels. Chapters 1 and 2 contrast Jesus with the angels. Jesus is the only begotten Son of God and the third Person of the Trinity. No angel compares to Him, and no angel is a son of God.
Chapter 3, Jesus is superior to Moses. Chapter 3 contrasts Moses, a faithful servant, with Jesus, the Son of God. The Son is greater than the servant. Grace is higher than law.
Chapter 4, Jesus is superior to Joshua. Chapter 4 contrasts the Promised Land of rest we have in the finished work of the cross with the Promised Land that Joshua led the Israelites into. That promised land was just an earthly inheritance filled with enemies who had to be defeated. Possessing that Promised Land was dependent on their own faithfulness. The Promised Land of rest that Jesus brought to us is an unhindered, perpetual rest to be enjoyed by every believer, based on His faithfulness, not ours.
Chapter 5, Jesus is superior to Aaron. Chapter 5 contrasts Jesus our High Priest in heaven with Aaron, the first high priest of Israel. The high priest stood before God on behalf of the people as their representative. If God accepted him and his sacrifice, then the people were accepted before God. Their spiritual standing depended upon his success in performing his duties as high priest. If he performed his duties according to God’s instructions, the nation would be blessed; but if he failed, whether in his duties as a priest or in his morals, the nation would be cursed. Even if the high priest performed his duties perfectly his entire life, there was still no lasting value in the work of an earthly high priest because Aaron and every high priest after him were sinners by nature, and each would eventually die. Jesus, on the other hand, having died once and risen again, will NEVER die again. He is our perfect, sinless High Priest representing us before God. His perfect work has removed our sins forever!
Chapter 6, Jesus is the superior (and final) sacrifice compared to all of the sacrifices of the Old Covenant. Chapter 6 contrasts the perfect hope that we can have in Jesus as the final offering with the impossibility of the Old Covenant sacrifices to save us. For those who embrace Jesus, God promises on oath: God says, “Surely blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply you.” This hope is the “anchor for our soul, both sure and steadfast.”
(from pages 282-284 of Unveiling Jesus)
Unveiling Jesus, by Tricia Gunn, is a verse by verse study of the pure gospel of grace. It’s an amazing journey of love, identity, and freedom in Christ.
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