Elevator Chat.
Not long ago, my husband, Mark, was on an elevator with a stranger who was complaining about the blazing summer here in Alabama. As Mark waited patiently for the elevator to arrive at the right floor, the man idly chattered, “It may be hot here in Alabama, but it’s a lot hotter in hell. That’s what I tell the guys in my men’s Bible study group.”
Mark responded, “Well, you don’t have to worry about that.”
The man argued in a jolly tone, “As long as I stay on the straight and narrow, I don’t!”
Mark tried to encourage him, “Hey man, Jesus did all the work on the cross.”
“Well, He did most of it!” The man answered with a smile. Then the elevator opened, and the man walked away wiping the sweat from his brow.
Sadly, many cling to tradition and rhetoric. How did things get so mixed up when the scriptures are so clear? Too often we give an audience to utter absurdity and don’t even question it. I think we need to take the spiritual blinders off.
(from pages 187-188 of Unveiling Jesus)
Unveiling Jesus, by Tricia Gunn, is a verse by verse study of the pure gospel of grace. It’s an amazing journey of love, identity, and freedom in Christ.
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