Set Free From A Lifetime of Bondage, Excerpt

Excerpt from Part 2 of Resting in the Finished Work of Jesus. There is one fear that is the root of all others, the fear of death. If we can be set free from it, it will set us free from a lifetime of bondage to all other fears. Jesus died to destroy the one who had the power of death and to release us from the grip of that fear. And when we are released from it, we are released from a lifetime of bondage. What is death? Death is alienation from the life of God. However, if you know what Jesus has done for you, you will be free from this fear as you are free from condemnation. “There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death.” (Romans 8:1-2)


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Parresia Ministries

Parresia Ministries

Parresia [pär-rā-sē'-ä]: a Greek word that means "boldness." Boldness before God to receive... Boldness before men to share... His scandalous grace with others! To read more about Parresia and the founder, Tricia Gunn, click here.