What you see, you can never unsee: Jesus is the revelation of the God of grace. The gospel of His grace is the good news that Jesus came AS US so that we could be AS HE IS: perfectly righteous children of God.
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God demonstrated His own love towards us in that while we were still sinners, Jesus died for us. God is not counting our sins against us because all of our sins were counted against Jesus at the cross. Perfect love tell us that God will remember our sins no more, there is no condemnation in Jesus, and we can have boldness before God!
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Session 3: “The Two Adams”
For transcript of Session 3, click here.
In this session several comparisons are made: The Tree of the Knowledge of Evil and the Tree of Life; self-righteousness and Christ’s righteousness; First Adam of the old creation and Last Adam (Jesus) of the New Creation. When we split the Adams, the power of the Gospel will be released in our lives!
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Session 4: “Grace vs. Law”
For transcript of Session 4, click here.
In this message, a contrast is made between grace and law. Through Jesus Christ, we are offered the abundance of His grace the free gift of His righteousness. The purpose of the law was to bring out sin and make everyone guilty, but where sin abounded, grace abounded much more!
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Living from the inside out can only happen when we know WHO we are and WHOSE we are. As a new creation in Christ, we have been set free from the condemnation of the law and the identity of “sinner.” Our identity has been separated from the flesh so that there is now no condemnation for us, and we can never be separated from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus, our Lord.
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Session 6: “Jesus Unveiled”
For transcript of Session 6, click here.
Session 6, “Jesus Unveiled” is a verse-by-verse study of 2 Corinthians 3 and the contrast between the “letter that kills” and the “Spirit that gives life.” The “ministry of condemnation” puts a veil over our heart, but when we turn to the Jesus, the veil is taken away!
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Session 7: “Father Abraham”
For transcript of Session 7, click here.
The Bible calls Abraham the “father of our faith.” Abraham simply believed God, and God counted him righteous because of his faith. Today, it is the same for us: when we simply believe what Gods says about His Son, His only Son, the Son that He loves, we too are counted righteous. The Abrahamic Covenant was the precursor to the New Covenant of God’s pure grace through Jesus Christ. There are no “if-then” clauses. Just as Abraham walked in the undeserved blessing of God, we also live eternally in a “fool-proof” covenant of eternal righteousness and inheritance as sons of God.
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Session 8: “Undiluted Grace”
For transcript of Session 8, click here.
Paul, the apostle of grace, was passionate about PURE, UNDILUTED grace and his cornerstone argument was “if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died in vain.” He pronounced a double curse on anyone that would pervert the gospel of grace. His letter to the Galatian churches is like a dissertation refuting legalism.
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Session 9: “Entering the Holiest”
For transcript of Session 9, click here.
Jesus, the Son of God, “became flesh and dwelt among us” so that He could be the final sacrifice for our sins. He became the veil that separated us from God. The veil was torn and His blood was shed to wash away our sins so that we can now boldly enter the presence of God by a new and living way with a cleansed and perfect conscience!
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Session 10: “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus”
For transcript of Session 10, click here.
Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” How do we “let not our hearts be troubled?” We behold Jesus in His amazing grace. Read the gospels and see how He lived His life. See His compassion, His generosity, His love, and His power to heal and deliver and provide. Just look at Jesus and be changed effortlessly.
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