I find relating to God to be incredibly intriguing. It is in stark contrast to other relationships which have become dull, one-sided, and unhealthy where I have ended up spending more time figuring out ways to distance myself relationally rather than improving it.
Perhaps the primary reason why relating to God is so mysterious and amazing is that God himself is intriguing – He is never dull, never one-sided, and never unhealthy. Yet, honestly, I still find myself in limbo from time to time where my relationship with Him seems distant and impersonal.

Having grown up in the church, I’ve been taught to try and fix these episodes by improving my behavior or my so-called spirituality – you know, bible study, quiet time, repentance…that kind of stuff. I have come to understand that those “disciplines” are helpful and healthy as long as I don’t rely on them for receiving and walking in God’s love.
Generally, the more I try to spiritually “fix” things the more frustrated I become. Here is the reason…I can’t fix it. I can’t fix it because it’s already fixed!
God did the “fixing” by means of the finished work of Christ on my behalf. He became my sin, and gave up His life for me as a perfect sacrifice (2 Cor. 5:21). The result… a “new creation” in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17). I am literally now “the righteousness of God in Christ” (1 Cor. 1:30), “having everything pertaining to life and godliness” (2 Peter 1:3).
Wow! What a discovery.
If you have placed your faith in Christ, all things are new about you, and you too have been “fixed.” For this reason I highly encourage you not to make the same mistake as I have repeatedly made by trying to fix myself, no matter how religiously right it might appear.
The truth is that faith is the key to beginning a relationship with God. It is also the key to stimulating and deepening your awareness of God and His love for you.
Watch what that revelation will do to your intimacy factor.